Same day delivery in Ghaziabad
Region on orders above ₹1499 | Only valid on orders placed before 5PM | T&C Apply
Glucosamine, chondroitin, msm, epa, and dha for dogs and cats benefits: synopet is a nutritional supplement for assistion and supporting older dogs in preventing wearing of cartilages tendons and ligaments aids faster fracture healing process helps in faster recovery during convalescence of surgical procedures support animal during stress and straining.
Imported/Marketed/Manufactured by: Salutri Remedies Plot no. 6 & 7, GIDC Estate, Motipura, Himatnagar-383001, Gujrat India
MRP: ₹750 (Inclusive of all taxes)
We take upto 2 days to dispatch orders with orders placed after 5 p.m. being considered as the next day’s order.
An estimate of 2-7 working days is taken for the delivery.
Delivery times may be subject to stock availability, delays caused by shipping partners and other delays which are beyond Tails Nation’s control.
Please head to our shipping and returns policy page for information about returns